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Stone Church History

History Links:
Beginning: 1944-47
First, the Chapel
Building, 1948-57
Next, 1958-67
Later, 1968-87
Recent, 1988-2007

The Second Ten Years: 1958 - 1967

As Stone Church grew and additional staffing became possible (and necessary), the Rev. Robert Stuart Vogt was called to assist Mr. Simpson. He was installed in January 1957 and remained until November 1958. In the fall of 1958 Mr. Simpson became Pastor Emeritus. On October 12, 1960 this man of boundless enthusiasm passed on. His widow continued to live in their house on the opposite side of Clark Way less than one block from the church until a year before her death in 1978. [Bob Bowles purchased the house from Mrs. Simpson's estate and lived there while he was at Stone.]

In April 1959, Dr. William M. Perdue was installed. The Rev. Edward E. Frost was called to be his assistant in January 1962 and served until November 1965, when he accepted a call from First Church, Watsonville. The Rev. Sherwood Cummins was installed as Minister of Christian Education in August 1965; his call was changed to Associate Pastor in June 1966. The Rev. David Beamer was installed as a second Associate Pastor in September 1966.

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