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Historic Photo Albums

The Stone Church Building's Story

The albums presented on this page show the history of the construction of Stone Church, beginning in 1946 when the original cornerstone was laid, to the present day. There were four distinct phases:

    1) The Chapel (now the Christian Education Wing) was built first, in 1946;
    2) The present Social Hall was built in 1949 - 1950 and originally functioned as the Sanctuary;
    3) The present Sanctuary was built in 1954 - 1955; and
    4) A comprehensive remodeling project was begun in 2004 and completed in early 2005.
The recent remodeling included Lincoln House (site of the present church offices), the Christan Education Wing, relocating the Nursery to be adjacent to the Sanctuary, and refurbishing and expanding the Social Hall.

Note: When you click on any of the album links below, a page with several small pictures will appear. Those small pictures are links; click on any one to view the full sized image. Alternatively, click on Start Slideshow and the full sized pictures will cycle through automatically, from beginning to end.

In 1946 - 1947, the Chapel 015 Stone Masons at work 1946

In 1949 - 1950, the Social Hall 7. Gathering Outside

In 1954 - 1955, the Sanctuary 08 Celtic Cross Unveiling July 10, 1955

In 2004 - 2005, Major Remodeling The Remodeling Project of 2004-2005


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Footer Last Revised: July 20, 2017

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